Chiropractic is the science, art, and philosophy of detecting and correcting subluxations (also called joint misalignments), most often in the spinal column, to restore normal nervous system function and increase a person’s potential for life and health.
The Science
Your nervous system is the control system of every cell, tissue, and organ in your body. The brain (the master controller) constantly sends and receives information from every part of the body about current situations both within the body and the external environment. Your nervous system needs to process this information in a timely manner to direct a coordinated response that allows your body to adapt and react in the best way possible. (Think slipping on the ice.) All of this information travels by way of the spinal cord and nerves, with all body functions and systems being coordinated along this path. Problems arise when subluxations or joint misalignments infringe on proper result in problems with normal body performance.
Spinal joint misalignment or vertebral subluxation is the term used to describe the interference in nerve communication that results in impaired adaptation, healing and function of your body as a whole. It involves a combination of interrelated changes to nerve, bone, muscle, soft tissue, and body chemistry that occurs both locally at the spine and systemically throughout your body. Depending on severity and chronicity, subluxation can have a mild, moderate or severe effect on function.
Subluxation can be caused by emotional, chemical, or physical stress that exceeds your body’s ability to adapt adequately. The information overload caused by these stresses requires your nervous system to adapt through compensation, a process that often results in subluxation. As subluxation accumulates in the spine, your body’s ability to adapt, self-correct and recover from stress decreases.
The Art
Chiropractors check the vertebrae in the spine to find subluxation. If subluxation is found, the chiropractor will use his/her hands or an instrument to apply a specific force, speed, and torque to your spine, moving the vertebrae closer to their normal position. This is a chiropractic adjustment. With each adjustment your nervous system becomes better able to adapt, better able to heal, and better able to function in everyday tasks.
Put simply, chiropractic care can be thought of like eating well and exercise… a regular part of a healthy lifestyle that will improve productivity, relationships, and enjoyment of life.
The Philosophy
God designed your body to be self healing and self regulating to the constant stressors and demands that you place upon it; that is, you have an innate (or inborn) intelligence within you that keeps you alive and well. Interference in the communication pathways of the nervous system impairs this innate ability and results in suboptimal function and decreased performance in daily life.